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How Do You Care For Your Parents and Loved Ones?

how to take care of parents

Whether it’s a parent or relative or even a friend, taking care of our loved ones is a significant undertaking that requires thoughtful planning and attention. At Thinking Big, we’ve noticed this conversation becoming more common. The main question we hear from clients is: What do I do to prepare?  In guiding these conversations, we […]

How to Tell If You’re Saving Enough for Your Future Self


How much to save for the future is often the main reason clients come to us seeking help with financial planning. And it seems to be on everyone’s mind. When I talk with friends and family about finances, long-term savings is usually the topic du jour (though me being a financial planner no doubt encourages […]

Planning for Your Wishes, With Love

documenting your wishes

Imagine this: You’ve suddenly passed away in a tragic accident.  Your partner, while in shock and grieving your death, is unable to pay the mortgage on their income alone and doesn’t know how they will pay any of the other bills. They also don’t know any of your passwords or have access to your online […]

Why Physical Wellness Should be a Part of Your Financial Plan

physical wellness

Somewhere in my mid-twenties, bunions started to form in my feet. They’re a common condition where the big toes curve inward, mostly from being compressed in shoes over time. Gradually, over the years, they caused me increasing pain while walking. I told one doctor who basically shrugged and suggested I see a specialist, but I […]

The Truths About Passive Income


Brandon and I were recently talking about how we grew up playing Monopoly. We were remembering how great it felt to collect $200 every time we passed Go.  Or how it felt to have a competitor land on one of your properties that had a lot of hotels on it. You got to collect a […]

What’s Your Statement of Financial Purpose?

searching for financial purpose

Money influences everything in our lives: the choices we make, the opportunities we pursue, and the futures we envision. Not only is money management a survival skill of the 21st century, it’s integral to each of our personal growth journeys.  When we’re fortunate enough to move beyond living paycheck-to-paycheck, we have an incredible tool of […]

Planning for a Mid-Career Job Exit

Open door

The decision to leave a job can be one of the biggest and scariest of life transitions. This is especially true when you’re mid-career and don’t have a nest egg to fall back on, or your nest egg is still very much a work in progress. If you’re planning a full-on exit from your job […]

Investing Doesn’t Need to be Fancy

Investing for your future doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. In fact, as we often say, the best investment plan is simple and boring. Most people at the start of their financial planning journey begin by tackling the big, overarching question of what to do with their money. When we work with clients on […]

What Can We Learn from Recent Bank Failures?

recent bank failures

Last week’s bank crisis that caused the failure of three banks sent a powerful message rippling through the financial world: risk is a real thing. Since this type of event can kick off mass hysteria,  I want to take a pause and examine what we can learn about how we manage our finances. I see […]

The Benefits of Diversification in Your Life and Investment Portfolio


I’ve been contemplating recently how we humans seem to have a tendency to define ourselves by one or a few things, be it our work, our family, our hobbies, or our beliefs.  I haven’t dug into the research behind what exactly drives our personal identities, but I’ve certainly felt this on a personal level. The […]