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What if your 401(k) offers after-tax and Roth contribution options?


When it comes to saving for the long-term, the 401(k) plan is the most common option for employees to build a nest-egg. However, not all 401(k) contributions are created equal.  Beyond the typical pre-tax contributions associated with 401(k) plans, some employer-sponsored 401(k) plans have started offering after-tax and Roth options. While variety is the spice […]

Don’t you forget about me: What to do with an old 401k plan?

What to do With-an-Old-401k

In the midst of changing jobs, whether taking on a new full time job or striking out on your own, you might have left behind an old 401k plan. Most of the time, we forget about our 401k plans because they operate on their own: a portion of your earnings automatically goes into your plan […]

Should I Max Out my 401k? [Video]

Should I Max Out my 401k?

Should I Max Out my 401k? (Transcript) Should I max out my 401k? The short answer is always typically yes, but the longer answer may be, maybe not depending on individual situation. For employees that have access to retirement contribution plans like a 401k or a 403b: you should really take a hard look at […]