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LGBTQ Family Planning

LGBTQ Family Planning

No matter what your family structure, deciding to start a family is a momentous decision. But for folks in the LGBTQ community, that step can look a little different than for a cis-gendered, heterosexual couple—especially when it comes to finances.  Given the higher potential for surrogacy and adoption, the financial impact on LGBTQ family planning […]

Create a Personal Cash Flow Management System that Works for You!

personal cash flow management

It’s the end of the month: Do you know where your money is?  If your answer is no, then you probably need to create a personal cash flow management system. Meaning, a system that effectively manages what you do with your money each month.  I’m not just talking about having a spending plan, but a […]

The Real Purpose of A Personal Budget

The Purposes of a Personal Budget

Let’s be real: creating a personal budget is a total grind. Going through bank statements, tallying numbers, and owning up to how much you actually spend at Starbucks is not what most people consider a fun activity. And many times during the process, we lose track of why having a budget even matters! Despite the […]