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Changing the Retirement Savings Paradigm?

Retirement Savings

As a financial planner, one of the most common things I hear is about everyone’s need to “save for retirement.” The phrase itself is vague, impersonal, and unspecific. People who are decades away from the presumed end of their working lives have “saving for retirement” as a primary goal. I’ve also heard from plenty of […]

Why Should You Save Money?

why should you save money

Saving money is one of the most fundamental parts of building a successful financial life. It’s drilled into us as something we “should” do. We are often bombarded by the tips and tricks and rules of how to save and how much to save. But an important question gets lost among the noise: why should you […]

Is it Important to Have an Emergency Fund? [Video]

Is it important to have an emergency fund?

Is it important to have an emergency fund? (Transcript) There’s a lot written out there about how much you should have saved in a rainy day fund. But I want to take a step back and answer the question “Is it even important to have an emergency fund or rainy day fund?” And the answer is […]