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Merging Finances as a Couple: Which Path to Choose?

two piggy banks looking at each other

In our last post, we discussed the foundational steps couples needed to take to merge their finances. . Now, we move onto part two: the actual merging of finances. We’ll break down the three options couples have to merge (or not merge) their finances and the pros and cons of each.   Fully Merging All Finances: […]

How Do You Care For Your Parents and Loved Ones?

how to take care of parents

Whether it’s a parent or relative or even a friend, taking care of our loved ones is a significant undertaking that requires thoughtful planning and attention. At Thinking Big, we’ve noticed this conversation becoming more common. The main question we hear from clients is: What do I do to prepare?  In guiding these conversations, we […]

The Ongoing Costs of Raising a Child(ren)

Ongoing Costs of Raising a Child(ren)

I did a simple google search of “how much does it cost to raise a child” and then my eyes glazed over. According to Investopedia, it could be as much as $277k in 2022 (from birth to age 18). That turns out to be about $15k a year. But I always hate numbers like these […]

Are you worried about your parents’ finances?

worried about your parent's finances

When working with diverse ages of people, I hear all sorts of concerns: everything from how to manage spending to how to save for a lifestyle change. Lately, I’ve been hearing more about another looming anxiety: parent finances.  Are you worried about your parents’ finances? This is an often overlooked and under-discussed area of a […]